Closed sessions > Exploring Landscape Boundaries and Natura 2000

These sessions have only invited speakers (not any call for session) but they are open to public participation, especially for round tables and debates. In certain sessions, a special issue will ask for external contributors.

• Exploring Landscape Boundaries and Natura 2000

Chairs: Lawrence Jones-Walters (Biogeographical Process, WEnR)

Facilitators: Theo van der Sluis (Biogeographical Process, WEnR), Carlos Sunyer (Biogeographical Process, TerraEcogest)

Supported by: The Natura 2000 Biogeographical Process (EC)

LOGO S N2000



Every landscape is confined by boundaries, boundaries between landscape units or administrative boundaries. The spatial relations between Natura 2000 areas across borders can be summarised in three main types of cross-border relations: trans-boundary Natura 2000 areas, Natura 2000 areas on each side of the border, or areas on only one side of the border. In addition, the definition of Natura 2000 areas also creates a boundary between the protected site or landscape and the surrounding landscape.

We will consider these boundaries in this session, in particular the administrative boundaries, and relate that to the issue of Natura 2000 (landscape) management. In addition, the boundaries have implications for different aspects of trans-boundary areas: the management and governance aspects for areas straddling national borders, for species (Annex 2 and 4) and habitats (Annex 1), and the required landscape connectivity through corridors.

The main challenges for the authorities or organisations responsible for the management of cross-border Natura 2000 areas are to design and implement joint or coherent management, to safeguard the connectivity between the sites and to ensure that the implementation of other plans/projects or the management of areas across borders are coherent with the conservation objectives at site level, and do not jeopardize conservation aims.

In this session we will exchange ideas and information on the relevant experience that has been gathered by practitioners and decision makers, the knowledge that has been gained in transboundary (whatever level) management, and the possible benefits that could be gained through better trans-boundary cooperation. We will do this through presentations from key note speakers that will introduce each theme. After this introduction a facilitated workshop will be held, in which participants will be given an active role and will have the opportunity to contribute with ideas and experiences in protected areas management.

Natura 1


Themes for discussion

Four themes have been identified and each will be introduced by a keynote speaker.

1. Landscape boundaries across different scales: dealing with ecological networks at different scale levels

Keynote speaker: Romain Sordello, Project Leader Trame Vert et Bleu - UMS Patrione Naturel (Paris, France)

Title: The French green and blue infrastructure (Trame verte et bleue) and how to deal with transboundary differences

2. Natura 2000 governance and integration of other policies

Keynote speaker: Marina Škunca, Geonatura (Croatia)

Title: The boundaries of governance: how Natura 2000 is integrated with policies like WFD and CAP in Croatia.

3. Species  and habitat conservation across landscape boundaries and international borders

Keynote speaker: Theo van der Sluis, Project Leader Biogeographical Process - WEnR (Wageningen, The Netherlands)

Title: Species across borders: implications for transboundary conservation of species and habitats, and potential contribution to Ecosystem Services


Natura 2


Friday, Mende: Round Table Forum Discussion

On Friday 7th of September, beginning with a wrap-up of the interactive sessions of the previous day, there will be a Forum discussion, including the presenters from the previous day.

  • Leading questions for the Discussion between the presenters and the Audience are:
  • What are the critical management issues hampering transboundary cooperation?
  • What are critical governance issues hampering transboundary cooperation?
  • What are potential solutions for these problems and issues – including examples of best practice?
  • What would you like the NBP to do about it?
  • What are the key messages for the Commission?

This session will use a variety of facilitation methods (for example, brainstorming of ideas, listing and other effective mining of information, prioritisation and decision-making, etc). The aim is to ensure that all participants have a chance to contribute their ideas and knowledge to a workshop session, but also to build upon the knowledge and experience of the audience to enrich and improve the management of the Natura 2000 network and where possible provide recommendations for policy to improve the effectiveness of conservation management.


Detailed program

Thursday 6th of September, Mende

  • 10.30 – Welcome, Introduction, context (L. Jones-Walters, Theo van der Sluis)
  • 10.40  –  Introduction Biogeographical Process (Theo van der Sluis or Carlos Sunyer)
  • 11.00 – Romain Sordello, UMS Patrinat (France): Landscape boundaries across different scales: dealing with ecological networks at different scale levels
  • 11.30 – Interactive session

12.30 – Lunch break

  • 14.00 – Marina Škunca, Geonatura (Croatia): The boundaries of governance: how Natura 2000 is integrated with policies like WFD and CAP in Croatia.
  • 14.40 – Interactive session

16.00 – Break

  • 16.30 – Theo van der Sluis: Species across borders: implications for transboundary conservation of species and habitats, and potential contribution to Ecosystem Services
  • 17.30 – Interactive session

Friday 7th of September, Mende

  • 10.00 – Wrap-up interactive sessions previous day
  • 10.30 – Forum discussion, with presenters
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